QualityModernFurniture.com is committed to serve with utmost care and privacy that is beneficial to you as our valued customer. This privacy policy only applies to the information that is being collected by QualityModernFurniture.com. This will also disclose the practices being governed and followed by the company.
Collection of Information
QualityModernFurniture.com is the only owner of the information gathered on this website. The information we can only access are the ones that you filled out on the forms provided. We do not sell or rent your information to any other site, person or business.
The information we gather will be used to contact you for business purposes only and nothing else. Other than giving information for the shipping of your product, we guarantee you that we will definitely keep your information safe from any third party organizations or even affiliates.
You have the option to subscribe to our special offers in the future through your e-mail, but it is not a company requirement.
Access and Control of Information
You may choose to decide on being secluded or deleted in our contacts list any time you want. You can always contact us through e-mail or mobile if you want to change or correct your personal information and delete any data that we saved under your identity.
We make sure that your information is secured with us whether online or offline. We understand that the information you give to us are personal and sensitive, and that in no way would we deliberately give away these information to anyone else. That is why we make sure that we have the most up-to-date internet security measures that we could apply in order for your information to be in good hands.
We use encryptions in collection sensitive details, most especially payment data like your credit card information. We make sure that the data are transmitted to us safely.
Other than internet security, we also make sure that your details in our regular offices are secured from any threats of breach. The only people who can access your information are the employees who deal with customer service or billing. We also make sure that they are inside a secured environment. We strictly prohibit unauthorized personnel to gain access to our customer service and billing departments. We also have routine checks on our computers and servers to make sure that there would be no infringement of any form would ensue.
There might be some changes in our Privacy Policy every now and then, but we assure you that this is always up on the website so that it would be available to you any time.
If you believe that we are not following this privacy policy, please contact us right away through e-mail or phone.